
Proximity sensor

  • Magnetic-field-resistant inductive sensors

     Anti-strong magnetic interference: innovative MVDC multi-variable dynamic compensation digital processing technology with high level of EMC characteristics and superior resistance to magnetic field interference

     Anti-weld slag splash: Teflon coating and all-metal products can easily cope with the impact of metal debris and high-temperature welding slag splash, suitable for harsh production environments such as the automotive industry.

     The attenuation coefficient is 1: effectively solves the influence of the detection distance attenuation caused by harsh environment.

  • Inductive namur proximity sensors

     Easy detection in sensitive areas

     Unique design improves process stability

     Different structures and sizes, reliable product quality, stable temperature drift performance

  • Inductive analog output proximity sensor

     Short response time, high repeat accuracy and linear accuracy

     Detection range 0.1 to 15mm

     No contact, no wear, easy to choose analog voltage and current output

     High repeat accuracy and high linearity, short response time

  • Inductive full-metal AC&AC/DC proximity sensors

     Stainless steel material, suitable for AC, AD / DC power supply, stable performance

     High frequency, strong anti-interference

     A variety of cables and plugs to meet individual needs

  • Capacitive AC proximity sensors

     Stainless steel, suitable for AC power supply, stable performance

     Stable temperature drift performance and high sensitivity

     A variety of cables and plugs to meet individual needs

  • Inductive AC/DC proximity sensor

     Suitable for AC, AD/DC power supply, stable performance

     High frequency, strong anti-interference

     A variety of cables and plugs to meet individual needs

  • Inductive 3-wire proximity sensors

     Includes cylindrical and M10, Ø 6.5, M8, M12, M18, M30 cylindrical and S10, S18, S40 square

     Switching frequency reaches 5000Hz

     Strong anti-interference

     A variety of cables and plugs to meet individual needs

  • Inductive full-metal 2-wire proximity sensors

     Stainless steel, standard two-wire technology

     High frequency, strong anti-interference

     IP67 protection rating

  • Inductive AC proximity sensor

     Suitable for AC power supply, stable performance

     High frequency, strong anti-interference

     A variety of cables and plugs to meet individual needs

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